The Alaska Satellite Facility

ASF Two Minute Update - How To Use ASF's Data

Andrew Anderson Season 1 Episode 2

In this podcast we update you about new documentation that provides an overview of some potential uses for the products available through ASF. 
It refers to this link for the document:

Andy Anderson (00:04):

Welcome to this two minute update from asf. I'm your host, Andy Anderson, and today we are talking with Christy Fleming, our software quality engineer. She's going to highlight some exciting new documentation about how to use data that is available at asf. Let's jump right in and turn it over to Christie. 

Christy Fleming (00:25):

Sure. This is actually a pretty exciting new documentation that we have available. It provides an overview of each of the data sets that we have available, including our derived data sets. It lists the mission dates for each data set, some usage examples for them and the spatial coverage for each data set as well. We have a data set details section that includes some details of some of the products available through each dataset and what they can be used for. One example would be Sentinel One, which is one of our most popular SAR data sets available. Sentinel One is an ongoing mission. We include specific product types, for example, G R D or ground range detected products. These are best suited for amplitude applications such as generating RTC images. These products require no effort to view them in a GIS software. Another example would be the SLC or Single look complex products. These products are necessary for interferometry. 

Andy Anderson (01:43):

Where can the user find this documentation? 

Christy Fleming (01:47):

The URL for the this documentation is https, s docs, ds do Datasets using underscore ASF underscore data. 

Andy Anderson (02:12):

Great. Well, I think users will really appreciate it, and I appreciate your time. Thanks for talking to me, Christie, and telling me about this. 

Christy Fleming (02:21):

Thanks for having me on. 

Andy Anderson (02:23):

Sure. Thanks.

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